More nalbinding

Still love nalbinding...made some pouches for largess and someone important suggested I add a drawstring, so ok, added monk's cord drawstrings in EK colors in cotton so they don't felt with the pouch wool when they're used.  Of course people don't need to use them as pouches--they're pretty decent coozies (remove cotton cord, use that for something else...)--why burn or freeze your fingers?  Wonder if felting would make an even better coozie, a thicker stitch certainly could and then felting that could.  Made some "business cards" to go with.

And another hat.     

Was on a zoom family meeting working on the hat below when a cousin asked "whatcha doin?"  Who can say no to an opening like that?!  I shared. Not too much, I hoped (ok, I don't try to be a pest about it but I get excited about sharing nalbinding info and maybe don't always stop to hope I didn't say too much).  And then sent her the finished hat, a nalbinding needle and the link to my beginning nalbinding video and some other awesome instructional videos.  Must've done ok.  She sent me a pic of a project she then made!  Yes!  :D

and for the feline fashion forward:


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