New plants! Get yer new plants here!

It’s no secret that I LOVE plants.  Farming genes, a mom with a green thumb who shared her love of plants, and a passion for the outdoors/nature—I have many and can’t help growing more.  Want great food or eye candy without great cost?  Grow plants!  

In winter I’m longing for green & over the top when plants stuck indoors (like me) surprise me with sudden bright colored blooms or tasty greens!  The pandemic found me me rooting new plants from store leftovers (the bottoms of celery, green onions, etc.) and growing new plants from cuttings.  They’s such joy in green things growing—especially when it’s not green outside.  If you’re not feeling the green gene, you can imagine my patient other half coping with ALL THE PLANTS. 

Early spring happened and there were even more plants!  'Cuz, yes, I LOVE plants!  Couldn’t use them all myself, wanted them to have homes, and the prices of plants are ridiculous, so I had a thought.  Lots of people go to our annual SCA Wars of Roses event Memorial Day weekend.  I’ve shared “medieval” plants there before (you know, like mint, lemon balm...) & folks have appreciated it.  Why not go bigger this year?  YES!!!  That was the answer to sharing the plant love and maintaining a happy marriage without being crowded out of the house.  So I loaded, and loaded, AND LOADED, about 80 plants (some edible, some not, some indoor, some not, some sun-loving, some not & drove them an hour to the event.  And like magic over the next 3 days they each found new homes!  Not one was left.  I felt so happy, almost a green & flower in winter feeing, invigorated one might say!  Sharing the joy of plants with others, perhaps some who’ve not grown those kinds before, or maybe wouldn’t have had the luxury of buying and trying them, was awesome! 


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