A Start at Weaving

Just off the loom. 

Rotating this to make a bag.
I have the amazing wealth of awesome people around me who are enablers.  I showed interest in weaving and weavers came out of the woodwork!  A marvelous weaver took me under her wing and started me weaving on a portable loom of hers.  I got excited about this new thing I could do and made my first real loom woven fabric.  I thought of things it could be and decided a bag would be great.  It’s been off the loom a while and not become the bag, partly because I’m not sure how to do it without ruining it and maybe partly because once it’s a bag it can’t be other things.  I WILL finish this bag.  In the meantime awesome weavers keep encouraging me.  One found a larger loom which it is now living in my living room.  Just need to get some warp on and start trying some things out…


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