Don't bug me

On starting to wash my next fleece (grey) there were little bitty pieces in the fleece.  Bits of... bugs?  NOOOO!  Consulting and searching online led to "Hubby our freezer is full, do you have room at the lab in the -80?" NO?!  Well, then, must buy a wool-dedicated freezer now.  Who DOES that?  Ummmm.  Yup. That's a tale for a story night, like maybe at Halloween.

Long story short: good price, frustratingly time-consuming trip, just fit in the vehicle, got it home, hauled it inside, lugged it down to the basement (well, slid it down the stairs leaning it on my back with hubby holding it from above, just in case--he would miss me/doesn't want the time and frustration of the ER/so loves me :) ), and on opening it up it was... dented.  Grrr.  Not worth the effort of lugging it back to the unhelpful store.  Moved it to a plug (there are precious few down there) only to find the cord was not on the convenient side (sigh), then the cord wouldn't come out of the back of the machine.  Really?!  And nobody knows about this (manufacturer, store, internet)?  More grrr.  Finally got it plugged in and loaded with wool. And it's cooling.  At the coldest setting.  And I'm cooling off, thinking "What was I thinking?"


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