Viking Apron Dress

Picked up some light-weight red linen at some point.  It was a decent price and we like red.  Didn’t have a particular use for it, but sometimes you buy when you find and learn the use later.  So when the local Arts & Sciences evening was making Viking apron dresses to help teach some basic sewing and dress-making skills, some lonely red linen was just the thing.  Went to the A&S Night, cut the fabric, got the gist of what was needed, but then it sat and waited for a while—had to coax the fortitude to start.  Sure, I’d sewed on buttons, but making a dress, sewn all by hand, seemed a pretty big thing.  Still, start I did.  A long journey starts with one step.  Two friends who also didn’t have that much sewing experience started that night and we hoped to be finished by the end of the next A&S Night, and in time for an event.  No pressure.  
The pieces cut out


And more pinning...

Getting help. OK, moral support?  


Nearly there....

Top and bottom hems done!  Now where is that iron?


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