Viking Apron Dress Bling

So if you have a Viking apron dress, you need bling and I needed it fast for an event.  Needed turtle brooches so found some I liked (thanks to people passionate about recreating old things and the miracle of modern mail), but also needed something to string between them.  Did some quick research on what Viking women wore and found they used beads, coins, stones, perhaps mementos.  I'd enjoyed making a beads at events and decided they'd make appropriate additions.  I'd been gifted some stone beads and a larger handmade bead (yellow one with red dots), had a Chinese medieval coin from an event, a site token with amethyst that looked like a dangling item from extant pieces, other site tokens, and had polished amber beads (amber was a desirable item in multiple cultures of the time).  Finally added a nalbinding needle. Why not?  It could be handy there....


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