nalbinding circles

Pandemic=stuck without other people=what to do....

The hands needed to do something.  I happened on a sale of wool yarn (you need 100% to felt for nalbinding).  The stars seemed to align, so why not nalbinding?   At the suggestion of my wonderful fiber mentor, I started practicing nalbinding from a round start and to cement the skill doing it repeatedly.  But why waste the effort on a bunch of circles--keep going and make something, right?  So I made little baskets--maybe for holding smaller items, or they could be pouches (just add a drawstring), or taller ones could be used as can coozies (cool or warm--wool's a nice insulator & can help keep your hand cooler or warmer too).  

I made baskets in different sizes and patterns so none would be quite the same (sample below).  I even tried felting one for kicks.  It felted easily and ended up looking like a small hat (see below, grey, center right, inverted).  Hmmm....   

I tried roving as well.  Had tried roving in the past, but found I was pulling too tightly and tearing the roving before making much progress. Seems my control has improved.  I kind of like the puffy look of the nalbinded roving (purple and the 2 grey baskets middle right in top image and gold basket below).


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