Toy joy

It was bad enough before the pandemic motivating to complete projects and post something here, but with the added disruptions and stress... well, enough said. 

In summer I learned there was a need for toys for young ones dealing with their own pandemic worlds.  Not feeling particularly able or crafty, I wasn't sure what to do but eventually decided on small stuffed animals that could fit in a pocket and be easily taken (or mailed) somewhere.   So, where to start?  Had some felt, polyfill for stuffing, and embroidery floss at the house, purchased forever ago with the general intent to make things, so went online to look for ideas.  Thanks web friends, you're always there for us at times like this!  Found some great, creative examples and sketched and cut out some patterns.  Thanks to a friend who's an amazing embroiderer who invited me (quite some time ago) to give her craft a try and who gave me some resources as starting points, I was armed with a variety of stitches and started making little felt creations.  

It took a while to get the patterns to something I liked (too big, too small, not quite the right shape, corner turn too tight or too wide, etc.) and each creature took an eternity to sew, but I accomplished it and hope their recipients enjoy them.  Tried to make a variety since not everyone likes a particular color or type of animal.  The final creatures were colorful and playful, and hopefully joy-inspiring.  It felt good to see the product (and to get some of that crafting material out of my house and somewhere more useful).  I'm imagining the little beasties having wonderful adventures with their new friends.  If you meet one, ask for a story....



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