It's in the Bag

So, got this loom...  and have peers who know stuff and are encouraging and enabling.  Dug out and got around to sewing the piece I made earlier on a borrowed loom.  Didn't have matching yarn so found something similar to the red of the stripe on that piece, measured off strong warp thread in blue to "match" and wove a strap to make this a bag.  

Came to the end of the strap weaving and looked up to find the paper at the end had a message on it.  Hadn't noticed when I'd put it in that it said "Help."  I took it as a confirmation, more than a plaintive cry from the work, so kept going.  Folded the strap in half and whip stitched the two sides together for strength.  Sewed the strap onto the bag, sewed a liner in (made from an old sheet), twisted the loose ends until they twisted over on themselves, and done!  

I like how the blue from the warp in the strap appears checked, mimicking the red stripe of the bag. There are things I'd do differently.  The weave is big, made from worsted weight yarn--something thinner might work better (although take longer to weave, so a good beginner project).  Doing work in 100% wool in future could lead to later felting....  Maybe having a clearer idea of what I was making from the start would help too, but then again, things seem to tell ME what they want to be as I go & the surprise in the end is kinda neat.  


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