Shawl I be a blanket?

Adventures in weaving 102.  "I have all this extra random yarn from a friend," she said, "and you wanna learn to weave ,so make a throw blanket." "So make a throw...."

"You can do this," I kept reassuring myself.  It took forever because I warped with the reed upside down and when I realized it couldn't bring myself to redo all that warping again to set it right, so it took WAY longer than I'd hoped, being more difficult to handle.  Note to self: write on the reed which side is up. 

Warped with 2 different colors to see how that would look.  I started weaving with 2 colors and realized I might need another color for visual interest.  So Ms Practical chose a mid-tone between the white and darker blue.  Whiel you're weaving you roll up the part you've completed so didn't see the effect until the end.  I'd choose a different color next time to add more depth.  Weaving white and blue visually just  became a lighter blue, so adding a lighter blue yarn didn't contribute much to variety.  

I tried to keep tension consistent and the simple tabby pattern correct (had to undo sections in the process when I noticed issues) and even so found things later I hadn't caught.

I'm told I need to wash it and that will even some things out, but want to wash it after I've added side 2 so it evens out together.  It's only as wide as the loom so needs a twin sewn to it to make it a throw. 

Finished the ends allowing some fringe for fun, but might choose another way to finish another time.  The white (the color I was weaving with when I got to the length I wanted) stands out too starkly.  It wasn't intended as a deisgn element, but will keep that in mind for the future.  Despite it all I got it off the loom.  Doesn't look too bad side 1 and side 2:  

"Looks decent as a shawl," says the left brain, "but I said I'd make a throw," says my apprentice self....
Now where did I put my notes on how much yarn I needed?!  I can do this.  I can do this.


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